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File Preview

File Preview component overview

As the name suggests, a File Preview component provides an area on the layout or Page where you can view the Preview of the File.

While the File Browser component provides a Preview Pane, a similar function is served by the File Preview component for the Attachment component and Embedded Files component.

Important note:

If there are no files to preview, a message is displayed (in Explorer) as below:

Blank file preview

The above message will appear if:

  • There is neither an Embedded File component nor an Attachment component present - it is necessary that at least one of these two components is present on the Page (configured in Designer).
  • The Embedded Files and/or Attachment component are present but do not have any file added - even with the components added in Designer, it is important that there should be at least one file to display in preview.

How to set up File Preview component in Designer

Please note:

  • The option to Edit preferences (pencil icon) is not present in this component.
  • The File Preview component is capable of showing previews for multiple files in a carousal form.
  • The File Preview component, although can be added to both Individual Item Level and Group Item List Level, logically it is meaningful to have it at the Individual Item Level, as both Attachments and Embedded Files can be placed there.